Monday, February 28, 2011

"Sunday "

This is the kids at Church. Hadyn was being so cute . She loves her Big Brother to hold her.

I got this cute dress at Target and I sewed the pink
 flower on it to
 fancy it up a bit . Then I made a couple of cute bows to match :)

She is a Daddy girl too.

Friday, February 25, 2011

"Dinner Date"

We snuck away from the kids.. My Mom called
and invited us to go out to dinner. It was so nice . I really needed it.
We went to a local place then we went into the nearest town to do a little shopping.

Does'nt this look great. It hit the spot. I was craving crab legs. Plus we got a huge salad bar with it ..

Mom and Ed

We stopped at Barnes and Noble on the way home. I could stay
in this store forever.

It has  been snowing all day. I AM SO OVER WINTER !!

I really have to cut  down on Pop. I am so so bad about drinking way to much of it.
Also they say diet is worse. I seriously dont think I can go 2 hours without having one. Not Good in the good department !!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

" Sleeping Beauty 's "

I thought our car was quiet.
Treg and Hadyn fell asleep on the way home after lunch
on Sunday.

I made her this outfit . I got the pattern at Walmart.

I have been putting her in pig tails alot lately . I am still trying to decide if I am going to cut  her bangs or let them grow ??  I love how serious she gets when she is watching Dora.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

"I Love Love My Kids"

In this picture she looks so big to
me. It makes me sad how
fast she is growing , but
there is'nt one thing
I can do to stop it.

I have said it before but I love love  how sweet the boys
are with their Little Sister. They pay so much attention to her all the time. She loves it .  I am grateful she gets so much attention . I was a little worried at first since there is such an age gap but you would never know it cause they treat her so good. I JUST ADORE THESE KIDS SO MUCH :)


Her little pig tails from the back are so stinkin cute.

Treg was standing behind Bo and would jump up and say BOO..
She thought that was so funny. I was having fun just watching them.

Hadyn 1 year and 6 months
Size 3 diapers
22 pounds
Size 5 shoes
18 month and some 2t clothes
She is a pistol and everybody loves her !!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

"Happy Valentines to My Nutty Sis and Brother"

I am the Big Sister to these 2. I am so lucky. Some of my most favorite memories is with  these 2 , My Sister and My Brother. Like the time they ganged up on me and covered me with a blanket and laid on the blanket and would'nt let me out . Then when I got out from underneath the stupid thing they ran outta the house as fast as they could to the neighbors and called me from the neighborsb house to ask me if they come home am I GOING TO BEAT THEM UP !! Ha Ha .

This was taken in Christmas 2009.
 I am My Brothers Keeper (and Sarah's too)
I am so Grateful that I have them in my life.
I love them both so so much and there is not anything I would'nt
do for either one of them.
Happy Valentines to Bo and Sarah :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

" I Have Been Tagged

Ok so I was tagged . Here is little bit of info about me.This was Fun:)
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?  Ter

What was the last thing you ate? Popcorn

Outdoor or Indoor person? Outdoors -- Camping ,Fishing , Boating

Kill the spider or let it go? Kill, So Disgusting. All those legs - Not normal

Would you rather be blind or deaf? Deaf,  Then I still see my families beautiful smiles faces and smiles!

What are you most proud of in life? My 3  Babies

What is the one thing that guarantees a smile on your face? Watching my kids do something they love and see the excitement on their faces, And a clean house

If you could have one super human power what would it be?  To Fly. I dream all the time that I am flying.

Have you joined the Twilight Kraze? No !!! Really I dont get it ???

Favorite Movies? " Newton Boys"--Its a true story starring Matthew Maconahay

One thing you are dreading today? Exercising . I usually like it but I am sick today.

One thing you are looking forward today? Getting Better

What is something about you that would shock people? I only wash my hair every 7 days .. Yup Once a week.

Juice and Crackers, or Cookies and Milk? Cookies and Milk

Cats or Dogs? Both

3 words you would use to describe yourself? Nice ,Mom , Very Bullheaded 

Would you rather be hot or cold?
Definitely cold .

Why did the chicken cross the road? It was the only placed to get Diet Pepsi.

1. Would you rather be on ABC's Extreme Home Make Over or TLC's What Not To Wear? Definitely Extreme Home Makeover

2. Do you have any tattoos? Yes 3. I love them

3. Do you tell your kids about things you did growing up? All the time. They think I am so old.

4. If the traffic signal turns yellow, to you stop or speed up?  It depends if there is a cop around.
5. What's your preference: Chocolate or Chips ? Potato Chips

Friday, February 11, 2011

"Breakfast and Shopping"

My Mom , Nutty Sister and My Cute Niece Bryn.
We went to breakfast and shopping together the other day before my poor Baby got sick. I
cant shop when I AM STARVING :) We went to Target , and Michael'sand hit the Mall then the supply house . I needed a few colors. It was a fun day.

Me and My Girl. She was so good all day. My boys really dont like to shop unless its to the John Deere store or the Motorcycle Shop. So I am so grateful the Lord gave me a shopping Buddy.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

" My Baby Wears Curlers"

She is so sweet . She lets me comb her her all the time and never makes a fuss. She has lots of natural curl but I wanted to see how it looked if I rolled it. I was'nt to impressed with the results , but while she was wearing them she sure did look CUTE !!
On another note I am feeling so sad for her. She is sick. The last couple of days she has a fever off and on and a stuffed nose . The poor little thing can't breath and she has no appetite. We took her to th Dr. this morning and said her lungs sound ok so he thinks probable a virus he then gave her a prescription for some de-congestion meds but when I went to 2 different pharmacys they both said they were out. So I have no idea I guess I will rub baby vicks on her and run the vaporizer. I will call the Dr. in the morning and see what else he says. I hate having a sick baby . It breaks my heart.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"Walgreens Bargains"

I got  10 Packages of " Hersheys Drops"
and  3 packages of " Halls Cough Drops"

I used 5 s/s $2.00 off /2
 And used the in-store coupon $2.00 off /2
for the Hersheys" That made them .50 each {cheap}
 I used the in-store coupon for the halls that was .99 a bag then I had . 50 off from s/s which made them .50 a bag.  The" Hersheys" were originally on sale for
2/$3.00 so  .50 a bag is great for me:)

Here is my receipt. Total coupon savings was $43.08.
 Paid only $9.45 . I love love a bargain.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"My Hubs"

I am so Lucky to have such a Great Husband . He is such a Good Dad to our Babies to. It also helps that he is Sooooo Cute:)

Monday, February 7, 2011

"UFC Fight Night"

Her we are getting ready to watch the fights. But let me tell you I was so disappointed this time. Nothing really great this time. Kinda like they were afraid to really make any big punches or knockouts. Its ok I am a fan for life anyways.. They are Lucky.

Me and My Sister AKA Nut Bag

She is so stinking Cute !!

Treg and Clayton. I thought it was funny how they are sitting the same . The little turkeys were tired because they did'nt go to sleep till 4:30 the night before.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Cheap Propel

I got 20 bottles of Propel for . 39 cents . Yup You read right. I will tell ya how. Read own further.

This is the Ad from Smith's advertising them for .49 each. Well I took it to Walmart and had them price match . Then I used the Peelies from the bottles that are $1.00 off 2 . So on sale for .49 cents each .That makes them
FREE !!!!!

So here it is 20 items for .39 .I had bought 20 more before this and I made sure they all had coupons on them so now with these 20 more I have enough coupon/peelies to go get 40 more bottles. They were all out and expecting a new shipment tomorrow. I WILL BUY MORE!!!  I am addicted to couponing. I will show my coupon binder / organizer in a few days. My friend at will be proud of me :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

"UFC 126 " Yeah !!! WooHOO

This is what I will be watching tonight !!!! Cant WAIT

Forrest Griffin VS. Rich Franklin
This is what I really want to see .Its going to be a
 great fight. I cant even say who will win .Probable Griffin though. We will see.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Its Friday !!!

Treg's Friends came over . Treg ,Marcos and Clayton. They had a basketball game last night and it was one of their best ..They WON !!! It was awesome . The score was so close . I was on the edge of my seat . So nerve racking . They played hard and they did it.  I am so proud of these boys.

After they ate  they went out to practice.

Clayton checking it out to see if he could dunk the ball. I think he can.

The dogs thought they were out there to play with them.
I am so grateful that Treg has such a good group of friends. Its scary as a Mom of teenagers . I worry about the influences out there. But I love these kids.