This is my Son Treg he is 14 1/2 also born in June. He is a freshman this year and doing great in school. He was born premature . My water broke so he was only 4 lbs 8 oz so so tiny. He had to stay in the hospital for about 3 weeks . It was so heartbreaking to come home and leave him . Today you would never know he had a rough start. I love this kid so much. He works so hard all summer baleing hay and straw , moving water on the farm and pretty much anything else that needs done around here. He is very athletic, he plays football and basketball for his school. I am so proud to go to these games and watch him. He has a 1974 Ford pickup that he bought with his own money and no he doesnt even have a license yet but he thinks ahead . This summer he set a goal to make $5000.00 between the beginning of June to the end of August and he made $6000.00 instead. And let me tell you he is the biggest tight wad EVER . This kid saves every penny . I love it. He bought a t-shirt that he had been wanting for awhile and about an hour after he bought it he said he had buyers remorse and thought about taking it back . It was 30 bucks :) He is a very funny kid a little joker I am very proud of him .. 
Here is Treg during one of his races a few years ago . We loved watching those races , But I dont miss it . We did it for about 3 years and there is a race every weekend from Friday to Sunday. So alot of traveling

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