Friday, September 2, 2011

" Our day in Court"

I have 4 kids !!!!!!!
I am  so LUCKY

This was a good day .
Our Lawyer is the nicest man.  He has adopted children of his own .  The whole process only took about 15 minutes.  I cant believe he is here and its over.  He is my Baby forever.  Goodbye Stress

She was so hyper in court. They were so nice about it to.  I thought we were going to kicked out. ;-) 

This just melts my Heart .
  I swear he looks like Terry . Kinda funny


  1. Congratulation to one of the sweetest families I know. So happy for you, love you all. :)

  2. Oh my goodness. So excited for you guys and happpy all the stress is over. He looks so sweet. Love that pic of Him and Terry. So happy for your beautiful fam. Can't wait to meet little Rylen in a couple of weeks. :)
