Tuesday, May 31, 2011

" Waxing the Honda "

We are in the process of selling my little Honda so Ter was waxing it today .  We need a bigger car now that its getting closer to our ( adoptive ) son being born.   Hopefully it sells .

She of course had to go and
 put all her little
 finger prints all over the car. 
Sorry Ter :-)

Nothing like giving her a bath putting on her comfy P.j s then turning her loose outside  with the dirty farm dog .

 I told her to say " Cheese "

Hadyn 22 Months Old

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


This is my bro in-laws horse.  He lives next to us  on the farm.    We often go over and bring the horse to our pasture .  Hadyn loves to be around her.   The cutest thing is she calls her Poo .  Its not her name  ??

Friday, May 13, 2011

" More Couponing "

This is my Super Fun Friend
Kelly .  She is such a kind hearted  sweet person .  She owns the salon that I work at.  I am not the only one who loves coupons .  We went to a color class today , had a yummy lunch then thought we better go  check out the great deals around town. 

Toothpaste and toothbrushes were so cheap.  I priced matched them at Walmart .  Fred  Meyer had them for .79 each and I had coupons for .75 off one.  So it made them a whopping 4 cents each.  I love having a Great Friend who you can swap coupons with.  Kel had some extras  so she gave them to me. ( Such a Good Friend )

This was awesome .  The Similac was on sale for  $ 3.84 and there was peelies/coupons already on some of the formula.  The coupon was  for buy 3 get $ 10.00 off which made them .50 a piece.  Yes I know I could have gotten all the formula for free if I had the $5.00 off any 1 formula but I overlooked it when it came out .  Still such a great deal. It was so fun  .  So for everything in my cart it was only  $25.00 
19 bottles of formula
8 bottles of listerine
3 sticks of deordorant 
7 bodywashes
3 pkgs panty liners
17 toothbrushes
20 boxes of toothpaste 

More great deals with lots of coupons

I love getting free products or paying less than .50 .

Sunday, May 8, 2011

' Extreme Couponing "

I love Coupons.   I dont buy anything without one.   This is my Coupon Binder.  I got the pattern and I made it myself.   I dont leave the house without it . * EVER *   .  On Sunday nights when my kids go to bed I cut out all my coupons.   I buy 5 newspapers every Sunday.  I also have clients  and  friends give me coupons.  I save so much money doing  this.

See it opens up .  If you get your shopping cart and buckle the baby straps it closes up enough that I just sit my binder wide open on top of my cart like a desk so I can just flip through as I go .

Here is just a tiny bit of my " Stock Pile"
It doesnt include all the free razors , toothpaste , toothbrushes , body wash , deordorant , and  lotions  that I have .   I also have laundry soap , fabric softner , gum , candy,  toilet paper and  paper towels , cough drops , lots of medicines .  We are still finishing the basement so when its finished I will have a room just for this great stuff.   I will show it when its done.

 I know I should be on that TLC show.  But I dont hoard 67 bottles of mustard.  I only buy what my family will eat.  I also give some away .


  These are some of the blogs that help me with my couponing.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

" Bling strands"

Have you heard of this yet ??   It is so neat.  Its call Bling Strands but I have also  heard it called Tinsle Hair.   It  takes seconds to put each strand in  and it comes in lots of great colors.  The coolest thing is you can flat iron and curl your hair with them in.  Last up to 3 weeks .   I am loving these.

 I dont have the best pic .  It was dark . This is my Niece Kynlee .  She lets me practice .  Scroll down to the next couple you can see them better.

 So cute .

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

" Anniversary "

Yesterday was our 19th Anniversary
We went out to eat at Chilis then we went shopping.  It was a great day.  My camera went dead after these pics so I didnt get anymore .

I love the website " Picnik ".  It is the coolest editing program.  Here is some picture that I had fun with.