Friday, May 13, 2011

" More Couponing "

This is my Super Fun Friend
Kelly .  She is such a kind hearted  sweet person .  She owns the salon that I work at.  I am not the only one who loves coupons .  We went to a color class today , had a yummy lunch then thought we better go  check out the great deals around town. 

Toothpaste and toothbrushes were so cheap.  I priced matched them at Walmart .  Fred  Meyer had them for .79 each and I had coupons for .75 off one.  So it made them a whopping 4 cents each.  I love having a Great Friend who you can swap coupons with.  Kel had some extras  so she gave them to me. ( Such a Good Friend )

This was awesome .  The Similac was on sale for  $ 3.84 and there was peelies/coupons already on some of the formula.  The coupon was  for buy 3 get $ 10.00 off which made them .50 a piece.  Yes I know I could have gotten all the formula for free if I had the $5.00 off any 1 formula but I overlooked it when it came out .  Still such a great deal. It was so fun  .  So for everything in my cart it was only  $25.00 
19 bottles of formula
8 bottles of listerine
3 sticks of deordorant 
7 bodywashes
3 pkgs panty liners
17 toothbrushes
20 boxes of toothpaste 

More great deals with lots of coupons

I love getting free products or paying less than .50 .

1 comment:

  1. That was fun!! Does it mean we are old when our "high" comes from getting a great deal??? Ha!
