Sunday, May 8, 2011

' Extreme Couponing "

I love Coupons.   I dont buy anything without one.   This is my Coupon Binder.  I got the pattern and I made it myself.   I dont leave the house without it . * EVER *   .  On Sunday nights when my kids go to bed I cut out all my coupons.   I buy 5 newspapers every Sunday.  I also have clients  and  friends give me coupons.  I save so much money doing  this.

See it opens up .  If you get your shopping cart and buckle the baby straps it closes up enough that I just sit my binder wide open on top of my cart like a desk so I can just flip through as I go .

Here is just a tiny bit of my " Stock Pile"
It doesnt include all the free razors , toothpaste , toothbrushes , body wash , deordorant , and  lotions  that I have .   I also have laundry soap , fabric softner , gum , candy,  toilet paper and  paper towels , cough drops , lots of medicines .  We are still finishing the basement so when its finished I will have a room just for this great stuff.   I will show it when its done.

 I know I should be on that TLC show.  But I dont hoard 67 bottles of mustard.  I only buy what my family will eat.  I also give some away .

  These are some of the blogs that help me with my couponing.


  1. Wow - your skockpile looks much better than mine!! Thank you so much for mentioning me!~!

  2. Okay, I am having SERIOUS binder envy! Where did you find the pattern to make yours? It is adorable!!
